Whether we are aware of it or not, we are moving toward workspaces that are more and more paperless. Personally, I find I still like the feel of the parchment in hand, the ability to run a yellow highlighter across the interesting points and the ability to hand a friend a copy of a book that I have enjoyed reading. Yet, I am very aware of the home and office becoming more and more paperless and I look forward to trying out the new iPad. We have email boxes filled with communication we previously received on paper. We get coupons by email, we read newspapers online, and we read electronic books. With the ever-growing use of Computers and PDA's and Smartphones for instant communication, executives are striving for paperless offices and a way to manage the communication that still comes in paper form. Here are five steps to make your workplace more paperless. 1) CREATE AN E-FAX ACCOUNT Faxes will come directly into your email account. You sort through them and put them in...