Data Corrupted The average PC user has only a vague understanding of how they can store their data. The only thing they know they have the hard drive inside the computer and they know that's where their data is going to be stored. That's about as far as it goes for most users. Many don't even know what a hard drive looks like I know it’s funny but true. However, when you face a problem when you lose your data due to corrupt hard drive or virus or anything else then you quickly learn a lot about hard drives. Not only do you begin to get an understanding about how complex they are, you also find out how expensive it can be to get your data back. Things you can do to recover your data Yourself If you suspect your hard drive has failed or corrupted there are a couple of things you can try before you go to a data recovery lab. First of all, if the drive is clicking, knocking, or making any unusual noises, you are out of options to try yourself. Those case...